Sunny weather has arrived and sunscreen use will naturally go up as people venture out for outdoor activities. Be aware that the protection posted on the bottle or tube might not be as high as advertised. Evaluations of sun protection factor (SPF) in sunscreen products have shed light on 43 percent of the sunscreen products touting higher SPFs than reality. Therefore, as consumers go out and believe they are blocking UVB rays most effectively, they really are not and at risk of sunburn and eventual skin cancer. The brands that had the highest discrepancies between labeled SPF and actual SPF included CVS Kids Sun Lotion and Banana Boat Kids Tear-Free, Sting-Free Lotion. It was found in studies that products containing avobenzone and ecamsule were better in regards to SPF, whereas those containing the more natural or mineral ingredients, including titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, did not measure up to label claims.
Go outside and enjoy the warm months, but be sure to use the sunscreen products best for you and your family, and also avoid high sun exposure through behaviors such as wearing hats and other protective clothing, and staying in during peak sun hours in the midday. Inserra & Kelley Law Offices wants you to be the safest and healthiest consumers possible to make your spring and summer seasons the best they can be.
A partner with Inserra & Kelley, Attorneys At Law since 1993, Craig Kelley focuses on personal injury law with a large emphasis on motorcycle and bicycle related cases and claims with the goal of first helping clients heal and then getting speedy resolution of their disputes.
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