Green is a word that is used daily in our current world. Companies are geniusly employing green methods to their marketing and practices, labeling their businesses or methods as green or green or ecofriendly. The word green has come to mean life, renewal, natural, pure,…
Inserra Kelley Sewell normally gives its readership all sorts of safety and health tips to keep you and your loved ones safe and health. Today, since it is Pet Safety Month, and the start of another Autumn season, we will talk about our animal friends…
As more and more people realize the health benefits of raising their own free range chickens for meat and eggs, the popularity of backyard chickens has risen, as has the popularity of obtaining chicken products from flock owners at Farmer’s Markets and the like. There…
How many of you out there have hoped against all hope that your little one would take a nap once experiencing the lull of a car ride in the child car seat? There is a great chance almost every parent can relate. However, studies have…
Genetically modified (GMO) corn seeds are the norm in today’s farming world and many American farmers rely on them for choice income producing crops each year. Now American farmers are taking up a fight against at least one big seed company for selling those GMO…
Just about the time one thinks there are no threats of E. coli sicknesses, the news explodes with new cases and sources. In September, 2014 news has come out regarding E. coli cases on the Pacific Northwest in Oregon and Washington (Pacific Northwest Children) and…
Is sitting all day as dangerous as smoking? According to a Mayo Clinic study, it is. And just like how regular exercise doesn’t negate the effects of smoking, the same is true about the effects of leading a sedentary lifestyle. Find out what you can do…
Transvaginal mesh is a surgical mesh used to permanently fix pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI), which are conditions that can occur after a hysterectomy. The mesh is usually composed of a plastic called polypropylene. Litigation has arisen due to the large…
“It is actually obscene what you can find out about people on the Internet.” This direct quote is from Liam Youens, a man who used an internet information service known as Docusearch to locate and kill a young woman he developed a fixation on in…