If I were a State Patrol member, a County Sheriff, or a local Law Enforcement Officer, my BIGGEST fear would be traffic stops in my Cruiser. WHY? You might think it would be the fear of assault or shooting by some loon or drunk or criminal I pulled over. Actually, I would be more afraid of my Patrol car being slammed from behind by a motorist who failed to properly “move over and slow down” pursuant to Iowa Law. The “move over, slow down” law has been in effect since 2002.
Now the Iowa State Patrol is cracking down on drivers that fail to adhere to the “move over, slow down” law, because they are just plain rude, or talking on cell phones, text messaging, reading, or watching video in their vehcile. This is GREAT news. I am constatnly amazed as I drive that drivers whiz so close to law enforcement officers parked on the roadside doing their jobs.
This higher enforcement level is great news, but we all need to be cognizant that there are dangers involved in the moving over and slowing down as well, either with passing drivers from behind us, OR with passing drivers approaching us if we need to move left of the center of the road to properly and safely pass officers doing their job.
THE BOTTOM LINE: WE NEED TO PAY MORE ATTENTION TO THE ROAD AND LAW ENFORCEMENT AS WE DRIVE, and quit cutting it so close, and so fast, as we pass stopped law enforcement of emergency safety vehicles. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN about this law, and the good reasons for it, as well.

A partner with Inserra & Kelley, Attorneys At Law since 1993, Craig Kelley focuses on personal injury law with a large emphasis on motorcycle and bicycle related cases and claims with the goal of first helping clients heal and then getting speedy resolution of their disputes.
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