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Parents of little ones check your baby’s toy collection to see if your child plays with an  Oball Rattle manufactured by Kids II Canada Co.  Although the company is Canadian, the rattles are sold in the United States, and in fact, there have been a minimum of 42 incidents reported in the United States with the rattles.  The problem is that the plastic disc can break and children can chock on small beads contained within.  There were 680,000 of these rattles sold in the United States between January of 2016 and February of 2017.  It has been instructed that consumers immediately take these Oball Rattles away from their children and contact the company for a full refund.  The website link is and the phone number is (800) 230-8190.  

If your child has been injured by the Oball Rattle, consult your medical provider and contact Inserra Kelley Sewell, personal injury attorneys to discuss your possible injury claim.  For a refund on the product recall, which is the more likely scenario with this product recall, ask for a full refund as explained above.  Be sure to heed the company’s advice to immediately take this rattle away from your little one to be safe.  


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