Might it be that a non-scientist, with no background in science or medicine or even a college degree, could help invent a cure for cancer?
CBS’ 60 Minutes profiled John Kanzius this past Sunday. As improbable as it sounds, Kanzius and his radio wave machine is now the basis of leading research and testing at the University of Pittsburgh and the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, in killing cancer cells.
The develpoment of this machine began after Kanzius’ own diagnosis of leukemia some six years ago. Since then, he’s undergone 36 rounds of chemotherapy. The painful side effects of his treatment, and looking into the eyes of others who were themselves undergoing chemo pushed him into a search for a cure.
One sleepless night during his chemotherapy, Kanzius creatied a radio wave machine he built with his wife’s pots and pans. His laboratory is still in his garage. His machine sends radio waves from one source to another, and the question became how to focus the radio waves on a specific target in the body.
Mr. Kanzius spent $200,000 to build an bigger and stronger version of the machine with hopes of zapping a tumor with a focused beam of radio waves without destroying the surrounding cells. Kanzius has developed the machine and a business ThermMed LLC.
Kanzius shared his research with Dr. Steve Curley, a liver cancer doctor in Houston, who felt the machine was the most exciting cancer treatment he has seen in twenty years.
Doctors have built upon the research by Nobel laureate Richard Smalley into small cells called nanotubes that fit into cancer cells. Smalley was convinced nanotechnology would revolutionize cancer treatment before his death from cancer in October 2005.
So far this radio wave “cooking” of cancer cells has worked in rat testing. In another several years human trials will hoepfully begin.
What great news for hundreds of thousands of cancer patients, present and future!!
A partner with Inserra & Kelley, Attorneys At Law since 1993, Craig Kelley focuses on personal injury law with a large emphasis on motorcycle and bicycle related cases and claims with the goal of first helping clients heal and then getting speedy resolution of their disputes.
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